Scene Description: A bedroom with blue walls, a blue bookcase and a white bed. Crowded shelves of books and collectible items, small paint cans of different colours of blue cover of the floor. Lucy stands by the wall looking at the paint samples wearing a knitted jumper, jeans and old socks. Helena sits on the floor against the bed in a black dress, knee high socks and a leather jacket, her hair gathered up in bunches on either side of her head wearing purple lipstick and purple sunglasses. She dips a small paint brush into the paint cans swirling it around.
Lucy: I can’t believe you’re painting your room blue again, it was blue last time.
Helena: Blue is my favourite colour, anyway it goes well with my bookcase.
Lucy: I miss your carousel designs on the walls.
Helena: It was a long time ago when I had that, I remember holding my dolls up to the wall, pretending they were riding the horses.
Lucy: The horses went all over the walls, the closet, the radiator.
Helena: But the blue makes the room feel cool, and more open.
Lucy: There are a lot of forgotten memories in here.
Helena: I know, this was mum’s old room when she was little.
Lucy: She must have had many memories in here.
Helena: And I had one obsession after another, covering all the walls, it wouldn’t matter what colour or design they were, the walls couldn’t be seen.
Lucy: The shelves in front of the bed didn’t used to be here.
Helena: Makes it look a little smaller, but least there’s more storage space.
Scene Description: Midnight, the bedroom is empty, neat and organised, and dark besides a bright light shining from under the bedroom door. The paint cans are lined neatly against the wall with newspaper under them, and the standby light on the laptop and TV flicker. Shadows are scene through the light under the door, appearing to be someone standing outside. The doorknob rattles back and forth, the screws fall out, and finally the door knob falls on the floor. The door opens and a man all in black come in with blonde hair and pale eyes carrying a huge leather bag.
Vince: [scans the room slowly and walks quietly but confidently to the shelves, running his fingers over the spins of the books, picks up one and puts it in his bag. Fiddles with a paintbrush, twiddling it in his fingers before taking it]
[Helena and Lucy’s voice is heard offstage]
Helena: I think I’d like a lighter blue, last time it was darker.
Vince: [takes no notice of her voice and continues to pick up objects to his fancy, a fountain pen, and her sunglasses, leaving the laptop, TV, her phone and tablet]
Lucy’s Voice: But the carousel walls, we could try circus ones this time. Isn’t blue a little plain?
Vince: [walks to the right side of the stage and accidentally trips on a paint can, spilling it on the floor and his shoes, hisses] shit…. [Shakes his feet and picks up another two books, flipping through the pages nonchalantly before putting them in his bag]
Helena’s Voice: I’ll decorate it my own way, but at the moment blue walls is what I want. Maybe I’ll have it fade from one shade to another.
Vince: [opens her cupboard and looks through her hanged up clothes, sorting through them with a bored manner, picks out a black Lolita styled dress and folds it neatly, putting it in his bag]
Lucy’s Voice: Like the sea, or the sky, ha! I get it! [laughs] Oh hey, weren’t you going to meet Vince today?
Vince: [lights a cigarette leaning against the wall, shakes some of the paint off his feet again and looks up, blowing the smoke out casually] ……… [Holds up one of the books] ……… wonderful ……… [Puts it back in his bag and walks over to the window above the bed, opening it up and jumps out]
Helena’s Voice: I was but I changed my mind…I don’t know but something about him…makes me feel uneasy…I can’t really put my finger on why though.