The beauties no longer fall to Zeus’s persuasive charms, they sneer and clasps their pepper sprays, fighting back the predator.
Broken marriages were all text book, Hera could advise them on anything, but help would not change her marriage.
The innocent maiden and aggressive conqueror was no longer romantic to Aphrodite; it was all a game of catch, even when they didn’t want to be caught.
Civilians strewn the land, their blood soaks the ground. This was the reality of war, Ares saw innocents not enemies.
The vanity of his company is lost on everyone; Apollo waits for those worthy to arrive, while he sits alone with his bay laurel tree.
Animals are disappearing from existence; Artemis looks away in horror at the decorative corpses on walls.
The world will always believe in Death, they’ve forgotten lightening and water Gods. Hades has won.
A Queen of Flowers and Death, Persephone is both the light and dark and wears the crown of black roses; there is no ‘ordinary girl’.
Oil, plastic and waste pollute the water and nothing Poseidon can do alone changes it. The water is sick, heavy and filling with Poseidon’s tears.
Wisdom and intelligence ran through the masses, picket signs, protests, riots. But what did Athena’s wisdom achieve when those in power have none.
The worker of metal and fire with the mutilated body and disfigured face, people didn’t stare, people didn’t notice. He was no freak anymore.
The mother keeps dust away her daughter’s room, awaiting her return. But the room is cold and wet with tears, Demeter’s daughter is no child no more.
The beeping text alert, the pinging email, messaging pop, the endless notification, constant updating and new models, technology had taken over Hermes life.
The troubles of his families blind Dionysus’s judgement, all can be cured and numbed with the taste of fresh wine.
We are the Gods.