While working on UNICORN's fourth issue 'Crush', I was given the opportunity to write an article on crush theme, taking the perspective of a South Asian bisexual girl.
"With a lot of trial and error and perfection, my four rules were able to let me crush in freedom"

The Fifth Issue of Unicorn entitled 'Green' gave m the opportunity to jump into nature.
"We’re a colourful, cute, ecstatic community and we have a long history behind us. Some of it, within these beautiful faunas."
I dived into the world of eco friendly sex toys.
"They use materials such as beech, willow, black ash, and oak, giving it a whole new meaning to ‘got wood?!’ – no, just me?!"

Collaborating with fellow writer Maddie Jones, we discovered the est Eco friendly Queer gifts o the market today.
"It’s Unicorn’s Prishant vs. Maddie, the ultimate showdown (queue dramatic music ). Here are their picks – and we’ve included their locations so you can keep your orders local and save on your carbon footprint."